Lew Blaustein from GreenSportsBlog spoke with Vermont Green’s Keil Corey and Matthew Wolff:

Here are the ingredients for a potentially powerful Green-Sports recipe:

Take six soccer-loving friends. Then add a heaping helping of belief that sports can and must lead on climate change. Sprinkle in a pinch of entrepreneurial zest. Finally, bring this mélange to a state without a professional sports team.

And, voilà, you have Vermont Green F.C., the Burlington-based expansion club that will start its first season in May in the fourth tier of U.S. soccer with climate justice firmly baked into its DNA.

GreenSportsBlog spoke with two of the club’s founders, Keil Corey and Matt Wolff, to dig into the genesis of the idea, how it came together and how they plan to show the American sports world that going big on climate justice is good business.

Read the full post at GreenSportsBlog