Vermont Green FC believes football can be a catalyst for a more environmentally sustainable and socially just world. We’re deeply committed to making this vision a reality in Vermont. Rooted firmly in community, kindness, equity, and responsibility, we know what football can be. But we also know that without leadership that shares these values, and without intentionality and a defined purpose, football can be used to serve people and systems that undermine the spirit of the game, causing real, irreparable damage to individuals, families, communities, and the natural environment.

With our mission always at the forefront of our decision-making process, Vermont Green FC can’t support FIFA as an organization, nor its decision to host this year’s tournament in Qatar. The global footballing community deserves a better vision of what the sport can be. 

While the Club will not be officially engaging in any activities that might support revenue generation for FIFA, we do support those who wish to watch this year’s tournament. We are encouraged to see that so many lovers of the beautiful game are planning to watch in a way that actively confronts the injustices that have been documented leading into this year’s tournament. We also admire and support the growing movement to boycott the tournament. We believe there is a need for both, and the more people that are engaged in the fight to realign the global game with shared values, and its collective spirit, the stronger the overall movement will be.

We are inspired by efforts in our local community, led by the Green Mountain Bhoys supporters group, who have chosen to continue building our nascent supporters community by sharing in the joys of watching the best in the world compete while supporting and raising money for local organizations fighting for the rights of migrant workers and the LGBTQ community in Vermont. We are also finding inspiration in the global movement pressuring FIFA to compensate the families of migrant workers who died while working on the construction of the World Cup. We encourage all of our supporters to think critically about the state of the game – the choice of how to engage is ultimately up to you.

At the local level, we encourage Vermonters to connect with our local supporters group – online or in person – and support the organizations they’ve highlighted who are working on behalf of migrant workers and the LGBTQ community. At the global level, we encourage supporters to join the movement fighting for compensation for the families of migrant workers who lost their lives working at the World Cup in Qatar.  Sign your name to the petition here.

A better football is possible. Justice is possible.



The issues at the heart of the world cup are complex. They are bigger than the World Cup, they are bigger than FIFA. We believe in the power of conversation and the power of ideas to transform society. We hope you’ll join us in this ongoing conversation and engage in shaping the future of football. There are a lot of great resources that can inform productive conversations out there, and here are just a handful to consider: