Sticky Brand, one of America’s fastest-growing custom sticker companies, is proud to announce a season-long partnership with Vermont Green Football Club, the newest sports team in Vermont. This partnership was formed during the inaugural season, and Sticky Brand’s ecological consciousness and social justice values align perfectly with Vermont Green FC’s mission to create positive role models while bringing the highest level of soccer to Vermont.

Vermont Green’s mission is to create an equalizer sport that supports all backgrounds, and Sticky Brand is excited to be a part of this movement. This sponsorship adds to Sticky Brand’s growing list of partnerships, including the Vermont Lake Monsters, VMBA, and POW.

Sticky Brand’s commitment to staying green is evident in all that they do, including their new Green High Tech Energy efficient production facility and dedication to environmental awareness and sustainability. In addition, Sticky Brand is dedicated to helping individuals, artists, brands, and businesses bring their ideas to life. As a result, stickers have become an integral part of Vermont Green FC’s marketing strategy and a key revenue stream.

“Sticky Brand has been an excellent partner for Vermont Green FC, supplying us with a wide array of stickers and magnets allowing us the opportunity to share our brand through vibrant artistic expressions, building strong bonds and engagement with our fans as well as a simultaneous stream of revenue, all while staying true to our core values,” said Sam Glickman, co-founder of Vermont Green FC.

Michael Rist, CEO of Sticky Brand, said, “Partnering with Vermont Green has been a pleasure for Sticky Brand. We are honored to help bring professional sports to Vermont and support Vermont Green’s endeavors and initiatives of environmental and social responsibility through sponsorship. As a bonus, attending games and following the team has been a ton of fun and a great team-building experience for our employees, and we look forward to an ongoing partnership.”

One unique tie-in that makes the partnership even more meaningful is Vermont Green FC’s stadium, located on the University of Vermont’s athletic grounds. Sticky Brand’s management team has several UVM alumni and a history of hiring UVM interns and graduates, launching meaningful careers.

Sticky Brand is excited to continue supporting Vermont Green FC and is committed to helping make Vermont a leader in environmental and social responsibility. For more information about Sticky Brand and its commitment to sustainability, please visit