We reviewed a range of fantastic organizations doing important work in Vermont on environmental and social issues. The list is impressive and the process was like spreading fertilizer on our team’s collective morale. We highly recommend doing your own searching for mission-driven organizations that align with your values and enjoy being uplifted by the wide scope of work being done and progress being made enmeshing environmental stewardship and social justice into the fabric of our communities.
Of course, this list also made our decision quite difficult. We decided a good place to start would be with an organization that had a long history of work in Vermont and a holistic approach to environmental stewardship and social responsibility. Additionally, we were seeking an organization that represented a multi-faceted approach, a robust theory of change, and a history of proven results. The Vermont Natural Resources Council (VNRC) fit that description, and we felt they would be a fantastic choice to help us kick off our community giving initiative.
VNRC is the state’s oldest, independent environmental advocacy organization. Through research, education, collaboration, and advocacy, VNRC protects and enhances Vermont’s natural environments, vibrant communities, productive working farms and forests, renewable energy, and prepares the state for future challenges and opportunities. They have a storied history, beginning in 1963, achieving many successes along the way. And they have been instrumental in advancing action on climate change throughout the state, in municipalities, and at the State House. They recognize that climate change is also a social justice issue, because it disproportionately impacts the most vulnerable populations, and it creates a compounding effect, worsening and accelerating many of the environmental and social challenges we already face. So this is where we start.
VNRC has been instrumental in advancing climate action in Vermont in a number of ways:
- They work to advance energy conservation and efficiency, propelling initiatives like Button Up Vermont and informing the work of the state’s Thermal Efficiency Task Force.
- They’re helping communities with tools and small grants to develop more sustainable and affordable mobility and transportation solutions (as well as other smart growth strategies), and are advancing regional initiatives like the Transportation and Climate Initiative.
- They’re propelling accountability at the state level in addressing climate change through the enactment of and ongoing work set forth in the Global Warming Solutions Act of 2020.
- They’re keeping Vermonters informed on climate action at the State House through their Climate Dispatch.
- They’re spearheading the Vermont Energy and Climate Action Network, supporting over 100 community-led Town Energy Committees throughout the state working on climate and clean energy in their communities.
We’re thrilled to see the conversation around climate change moving towards climate justice in Vermont, which is leading to broader conversations on environmental justice. We’ll be following the work of VNRC and many other organizations as they push our legislators to address the inequities of environmental and health risks, including those stemming from climate change, among Vermont’s population. We’ll be tracking the progress of S.148, “An Act Relating to Environmental Justice in Vermont,” as it moves to the Senate this legislative session and urge our supporters to do the same. If you’re new to the legislative process and wish to add your voice, you can find out more information on where and how you can get involved by signing up for email updates and action alerts or supporting VNRC with a membership donation.