On Thursday, February 1st, Vermont Green FC joined over 60 local businesses at the State House in Montpelier to advocate for legislation that reduces greenhouse gas emissions. Alongside colleagues from across the VBSR network including SunCommon, Ben & Jerry’s, Seventh Generation and more, Vermont Green FC co-founder Sam Glickman represented the club by urging legislators to be vigilant and deliberate on climate action.
Vermont has always been a leader on climate action, and Vermont Green FC intends to be an active participant in continuing this important tradition in the Green Mountain State. As Vermonters, we have a unique opportunity to use our voice to make sure our representatives know that we mean business when it comes to addressing the climate crisis.
You can read Sam’s words from the podium below:
Hi, I’m Sam Glickman, one of the Co-Founders of Vermont Green Football Club.
Vermont Green was founded with a commitment to embed environmental justice into the core ethos of our club, guiding the development of our foundation and all key decision making.
While this can present challenges at times, we’re energized every day that we get to work with great athletes, coaches, and community members who are willing to engage with our work to help create a more environmentally sustainable and socially just world.
As we prepare for our third season in Burlington – we’ve enjoyed the remarkable, unwavering support of thousands of Vermonters within our community. Many of whom have become dedicated supporters because of the club’s values – values that mirror their own.
They were avid fans of the planet well before they were fans of our team and as a football club in Vermont – we look to harness and amplify these voices which are overwhelmingly calling for CLIMATE ACTION NOW.
We believe that even entertainment like live sports can be a place for community organizing, education, and collective action.
To us, the role our small business plays in the movement is much less consequential than the medium the club can be for the community to gather in support of their local team and local causes at the same time.
And make no mistake, as you’ve heard here today already: building climate resiliency is a local cause.
With the support of many Vermont-based businesses like SunCommon, Ben & Jerry’s, Seventh Generation and many more, our club’s mission, identity, and brand have already had a far reaching impact beyond our state.
We’ve learned from the leadership of these businesses, from the examples set by our fellow Vermonters, and we’ve had the privilege to export values they’ve modeled for us as we’ve collaboratively built a soccer club that’s about much more than just soccer.
What Vermont may not offer yet in professional players or large stadiums, we make up for with the collective voice and passion of our values-led supporters.
Soccer fans across the country and the world, as well as clubs as high up the sports pyramid as Major League Soccer, have taken note of our club, as we’ve looked to inspire a new expectation for the role professional and semi-professional sports can play in their communities and in the movement towards climate action.
Now we need those values expressed in the form of legislation championed by our elected officials this session right here at home.
We know Vermont can continue to be a leader in legislating bold climate action legislation and enduring environmental justice, and I’m proud to have the opportunity to stand alongside so many passionate Vermonters who are committed to championing this change alongside us.
Thank you all for the work you do and up the green!
Thank you to all of our colleagues and partners that made this year’s Climate Action Day a major success!